Semper Fidelis-Mellow Cellaring Kaoliang Liquor

台灣金門島有著特有戰地歷史文化,也是台灣高粱酒特有的產地。我們將精巧縮小的軍用汽油桶陶瓷酒瓶,結合窖藏陳年高粱酒,並將此酒取名為『SEMPER FIDELIS永遠忠誠』。寓意人生當以忠誠態度對待我們的職場、愛情、家庭,『人生當如此酒』。
The Kinmen Island of Taiwan has a unique battlefield history culture and is also producing an area of Kaoliang liquor. We incorporate the modeling of delicate military gasoline barrels with mellow cellaring Kaoliang liquor. Accordingly, the liquor is named "SEMPER FIDELIS", it symbolizes the loyal attitude to our workplace, love and family in our life, just like "Attitude toward life as this liquor".